Some people say love is for the birds. Is it? Love is about understanding one another, your man to be more specific. Love is about guiding your man through the challenges of a relationship from the time you two meet.
When you get into a relationship from a point of strength you will realize that women always have the upper hand no matter what. Women have this ability of long-term thinking.
Once you learn this simple fact y will go from being a better, happier girlfriend to being his wife in the long run. At this point you realize that you’re the one who held the cards of your relationship all along. This is the way it works.
Let’s do this, let’s show how Enchant Him, a step-by-step guide, teaches you on how to make a guy fall in love with you! Be the woman that wins his heart!
The first thing you should know is yourself. Are you confident in your own skin? Men take preference to the real thing. Take all your assets in good stride, even the ones you don’t particularly like, maybe small boobs or a big bum, it’s all yours, be the proud owner of your God given physique, if your okay with it, he will be okay with it too. Self confidence is everything for a man; he will flip over at your aura. Wear it well.
Get over your past relationships before delving into a new one. You can keep the good memories but get rid of all the stuff that will get in the way of falling in love all over again. If you have to be friends with your ex let it be that only. Friendship. Avoid going back every time some nasty man breaks your heart. Stop hanging around your past because it’s gone, stick with the present issue at hand, you need to find a new man and make him fall in love with you.
When you start dating someone, be kind to yourself and know that both of you have lives prior to your hooking up, he may have shown signs that he likes you but doesn’t call you sooner than expected, big deal! Go on and don’t kill yourself with fear, mostly of assumption that he’s the ‘one’. There’s going to be a lot of the ‘ones’ so don’t sweat about it too much, take the initiative and call, be articulate about what you want, state it and wait for an answer, simple.
Men don’t like to be pressured into a relationship; it has to be something they decide on. But once you get the lead that he really is into you, you have to help nurture it. Communicate often and clearly about what you want and the action you want taken in order to move things forward. You will make him fall in love with you with your self assurance.
This takes confidence, just as we mentioned it ealier.Know what you want in your relationship and Enchant Him towards that direction. Remember don’t push him or pressure him into doing what you want. Take his lead always.
Another very important thing to note is that you cannot change a man. He has his traits and routine before you met, try to accommodate yourself if you like each other and have a life of your own .Don’t over think about everything he does. If you want him, tell him, if you want sex go right ahead and flirt with him, men like verbal flirts especially.
Bottom line, have a separate life from him, guys like to chase, let him seek you.
So how do you tell a keeper? Areal man will actively seek to make you happy; you’ll pick this up in the early stages of your relationship. This may be things like comforting you in times of grief or buying you something you had mentioned days ago, calling you every now and then to check up on you, if he does that he’s fallen in love with you.
How do you dress on the weekends? How do you seduce him without direct contact; even if it’s just rushing to the store to pick up something? Be at your best even in simple clothes, like well fitting jeans and a lovely top, a dash of lipstick and some lovely shoes ,you never know when you’ll meet your man, so look nice all the time.
Avoid heavy makeup; make all your facial features appear as natural as possible. Keep your hair clean and tidy, take good care of your nails. Be a wow girl anytime with a dash of simplicity. Men are simple creatures so don’t overdo yourself with makeup and skimpy clothing. Seduce him with your God given natural goodies. This form of seduction thrills men.
A man will always be alert with a witty, funny and smart woman, they find this charming and irresistible. So ditch the iPhone while on a date and engage this gorgeous pack before you while on a date or a public forum or wherever it is you’re having a private moment together. This will make him enchanted to you and get him mesmerised at your knowledgeable brain.
When you’re out and about, in your everyday activities, don’t be on the lookout for love, a man will find you right in the middle of your chores, it takes seconds for him to notice you and get interested. Be cool, be your charming self always. Enchant Him with your smile, your kindness, your sense of calm.
Now that you know the key things to do in order to seduce that man you’ve been waiting for, go ahead and re evaluate on what mistakes you’ve made in the past and get geared up on how to make a man fall head over heels in love with you.
Buy Enchant Him! This all-time coveted book has quite a chunk on every detail about types of men to avoid and real life experience stories that will give you an eye opener on relationships and love.
Go ahead and buy this great book that has the secrets on how to Enchant Him and make him yours for ever.